Agromedicine is a branch of medical science that studies health problems related to all agricultural activities that include agriculture, plantations, animal husbandry, forestry, and fisheries in biological, physical, chemical, and socio–cultural environments as well as the environment which includes the farmer himself, farmer families and consumers of agricultural products.
Health problems can arise from several factors such as the use of agricultural tools (sickles, hoes, plows, tractors, rotavators, etc.) that are not in accordance with the procedure. Uncontrolled use of pesticides can also cause serious health problems not only for farmers directly but also affect consumers of agricultural products.
The Faculty of Medicine Universitas JemberĀ exists in accordance with its mission to become an educational institution that excels in the field of agromedicine, andĀ seeks to provide solutions to possible risks of health problems that can be caused by providing excellent programs in the field of agromedicine.
One of the programs that are in contact with the community and can be directly benefited is mobile agromedicine. A program that lowers the agromedicine fleet consisting of medical personnel doctors, nurses and volunteers who already have competence in handling the agromedicine field and are equipped with medical devices, medicines and supported by ambulances to mobilize patients when needed. There are many more programs provided, the main goal of which is to make Indonesia healthy through the agromedicine field.