
The tractor is one of the main machines that farmers rely on to cultivate their farmland. Using diesel fuel or gasoline, there are several components attached such as singkal plow (luku), puddler (wrench), leveler (rake), rotary plow, disk plow, subsoil plow.
The use of fuel oil can cause air pollution and result in respiratory diseases. Machine noise can also cause hearing loss.


The activity of plowing fields has now become much faster and more effective thanks to the presence of cultivators. Its function is to prepare the secondary soil to crumble and smooth by plowing. The way it works is by utilizing the serrations that stick into the ground. With the help of a driving machine, the ground will automatically move, lift, and split. Health problems that can occur are arthritis due to vibrations caused by the engine and hearing loss due to engine noise.


Having similar benefits to tractors, this rotavator is used to cultivate the soil in two processing steps. The first step, this tool serves as a chopping by flipping the soil. The next step is to tidy up and destroy the wild plants that disturb this ready-to-plant farmland. The use of fuel oil can cause air pollution and result in respiratory diseases. Machine noise can also cause hearing loss
