
Pesticide Pesticide literally comes from the words pest and cide which means pest killer. According to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 434.1 / Kpts / TP.270 / 7/2001 the so-called pesticides are all chemical substances or other materials as well as physical remains and viruses used to:

  • Eradicate or prevent pests and diseases that damage crops, plant parts, or agricultural products.
  • Eradicate grass.
  • Turns off the leaves and prevents unwanted growth.
  • Regulates or stimulates the growth of plants or plant parts (but does not belong to the group of fertilizers).
  • Eradicate or prevent external pests in domestic animals and livestock.
  • Eradicate water pests.
  • Eradicate or prevent animals and bodies in households, buildings, and in conveyances.
  • Eradicate or prevent animals that are biased towards causing disease in humans.
Pesticide Classification

Based on opt the targets are:

  • Insecticide, which is used to control pests in the form of insects. The insecticide group is divided into two, namely ovicides (controlling insect eggs) and larvicides (controlling insect larvae).
  • Acaricide, which is used to control akarina (mites or mites).
  • Mollusciciside, which is used to control pests of the slug nation (mollusks).
  • Rodenticides, which are used to control rodents (mice).
  • Nematicide, used to control nematodes.
  • Fungicides, used to control plant diseases caused by fungi (fungi or fungi).
  • Bactericidal, used to control plant diseases caused by baktreri.
  • Herbicide, used to control weeds (nuisance plants).
  • Algicides, used to control algae (algae).
  • Pischicide, used to control wild fish.
  • Avicides, used to poison birds destroying agricultural products.
  • Repelen, a pesticide that is not murderous, only repels pests.
  • Attractant, used to attract or collect insects.
  • ZPT, used to regulate plant growth whose effect can spur growth or suppress growth.
  • Plan activator, used to stimulate the emergence of plant immunity so that it is resistant to certain diseases.