
By utilizing the sharp part of the arch, farmers use it to cut plants. The way this tool works is very simple. You can simply slash the plant at its bottom with one swing. If you hold the sickle with your right hand, then your left hand is used to hold the top of the slashed plant.
Careless use can result in sharp trauma from iris wounds, whippings to amputations. If left untreated, infectious complications can arise.


Hoe is a traditional agricultural tool that serves to cultivate the soil, which in its use uses the power ability of human hands as a source of energy in breaking, pulling, and stirring the soil. Farm work equipment in one group or group with hoes including shovels, forks, hedgehogs, and others. Hoes have been used for generations by farmers. The shape of the rice field hoe is different from the garden hoe, it is also different from the designation of the hoe to dig with a hoe for weeding. Of the various uses of hoes, one use that definitely exists is as a breaker, puller, and soil agitator. Along with the development of science, hoes are made based on detailed ergonomic rules, through more rigid calculations and tests to be more precise in their effectiveness and productivity.

What are the possible health problems with respect to the use of hoes:
Low Back Pain
The activity of hoeing with a short hoe handle results in the worker’s posture becoming hunched, thus making the worker experience back pain.
Shoulder Joint Pain
Doing heavy lifting such as hoeing can cause shoulder pain. Using the shoulder joint too often or hard in the long term causes the delicate tissue inside the shoulder to wear out easily making it prone to injury (tendinitis). In severe conditions it can cause dislocation of the shoulder joint.
Sharp Trauma
Careless use of hoes and not using personal protective equipment can cause work accidents in the form of sharp trauma which if not handled properly will cause complications in the form of infections such as Tetanus.


Fertilizer is a material that is added to the growing media or plants to meet the nutrient needs needed by plants so that they are able to produce well. [1] Fertilizer materials can be organic or non-organic (mineral) materials. Fertilizers differ from supplements. Fertilizers contain raw materials necessary for plant growth and development, while supplements such as plant hormones help smooth metabolic processes. Nevertheless, to fertilizers, in particular artificial fertilizers, can be added a certain amount of supplement material.
In fertilizing, it is necessary to pay attention to the needs of these plants, so that plants do not get too much food substances. Too little or too much food substances can be harmful to plants. Fertilizer can be applied through the soil or sprayed onto the leaves. One type of organic fertilizer is compost.


The second stage in cultivating the land is carried out using harrows. As a result, the soil will become much more loose and flat, water management will be much better, and wild plants that interfere with and have the potential to damage agricultural products will also be destroyed.

There are several types of harrowing that are commonly used:
Comb Rake
Comb harrows are commonly used on boulder soils to make them more fertile. However, its use will be more optimal when the farmland is still wet after being processed using a plowing tool
Plate Harrow
This harrow is used to trim the grass on the surface of the soil to be planted, destroying the soil layer so that it is softer and ready for planting. After the seeds are spread, a dish rake can also be used to seal the seeds so that they are completely buried in the ground.
Nail Harrow
Having teeth that resemble spikes, this type of rake is used to level and smooth the soil after plowing. When it is time to weed the newly grown plants, farmers can also use this tool.

Health problems that may occur with respect to the use of Garu:
Sharp Trauma
the use of harrows that are not careful and do not use personal protective equipment can cause work accidents in the form of sharp trauma which if not handled properly will cause complications in the form of infections such as Tetanus.


Plows (Luku/Waluku) are used in primary tillage equipment before the next required process. On the island of Java, plows are known as luku/waluku, the Batak tribe calls it tenggala (Karo language), and the Minahasa tribe calls it pajeko. while the Acehnese call it langa.

The Javanese plow has several parts, namely cekelan, pancadan, tandhing, singkal, and pairs.
part of the plow held by the person who cultivates the land. The cechequer must be held firmly so that the plow does not come off easily.
the footrest of the hijacker. At the time of plowing, the foot must rest one of the parts of the tool with strong pressure so that the plow can sink into the ground and can turn the ground over when pulled.
Tandhing or pegs
Tandhing or pegs are used to strengthen the joints so that the plow does not shake.
Singkal is part of the plow used to turn the soil.
